

import "command-line-arguments"


func ComputeEventFingerprint (opens in a new tab)

func ComputeEventFingerprint(eventName string) string

ComputeEventFingerprint returns the EventID as computed by ComputeEventID but as a hex string.

func ComputeEventID (opens in a new tab)

func ComputeEventID(eventName string) common.Hash

ComputeEventID returns a hash of a given event using the World ECS ABI.

func FilterLogs (opens in a new tab)

func FilterLogs(logs []types.Log) []types.Log

FilterLogs applies ordering and filters to a list of logs.

func GetAllEventsInBlock (opens in a new tab)

func GetAllEventsInBlock(client *ethclient.Client, blockNumber *big.Int, worldAddresses []common.Address) (logs []types.Log)

GetAllEventsInBlock uses GetAllEventsInRange to return all ECS events in a given blockNumber.

func GetAllEventsInRange (opens in a new tab)

func GetAllEventsInRange(client *ethclient.Client, start *big.Int, end *big.Int, worldAddresses []common.Address) ([]types.Log, error)

GetAllEventsInRange returns a list of ECS event logs given a start block and an end block (both big integers) and a worldAddresses filter. The worldAddresses may be an empty array in which case no filtering based on the contract address is applied to the logs.

func GetCurrentBalance (opens in a new tab)

func GetCurrentBalance(client *ethclient.Client, address string) (uint64, error)

GetCurrentBalance returns the current balance of account with given address.

func GetCurrentBlockNumber (opens in a new tab)

func GetCurrentBlockNumber(client *ethclient.Client) *big.Int

GetCurrentBlockNumber returns the block number of the block at the tip of the chain.

func GetCurrentNonce (opens in a new tab)

func GetCurrentNonce(client *ethclient.Client, address common.Address) (uint64, error)

func GetEthereumClient (opens in a new tab)

func GetEthereumClient(wsUrl string, logger *zap.Logger) *ethclient.Client

GetEthereumClient returns a connection to an Ethereum client via a websocket URL specified by wsUrl. In the case that a connection cannot be established, will retry for a fixed duration.

func GetEthereumSubscription (opens in a new tab)

func GetEthereumSubscription(client *ethclient.Client, headers chan *types.Header) (ethereum.Subscription, error)

GetEthereumSubscription returns a subscription to new blocks.

func ParseEventComponentRegistered (opens in a new tab)

func ParseEventComponentRegistered(log types.Log) (*world.WorldComponentRegistered, error)

ParseEventComponentRegistered extracts a structured ComponentRegistered event from a log.

func ParseEventComponentValueRemoved (opens in a new tab)

func ParseEventComponentValueRemoved(log types.Log) (*world.WorldComponentValueRemoved, error)

ParseEventComponentValueRemoved extracts a structured ComponentValueRemoved event from a log.

func ParseEventComponentValueSet (opens in a new tab)

func ParseEventComponentValueSet(log types.Log) (*world.WorldComponentValueSet, error)

ParseEventComponentValueSet extracts a structured ComponentValueSet event from a log.

func UnpackLog (opens in a new tab)

func UnpackLog(out interface{}, eventName string, log types.Log) error

UnpackLog extracts an event from a log given an eventName and places it into out.

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